Corned Beef Lumpia - Seafood City Supermarket Seafood City Supermarket

The Filipino Food Channel

The Filipino Food Channel

Corned Beef Lumpia

If Forrest Gump were Filipino, his famous quote could have been about Lumpia instead. This versatile wrapper encases anything from savory ground pork to sweet langka. In this recipe, we fill the wrapper with everyone’s favorite canned good – Pamana Chunky Corned Beef. Remember to plan ahead because this recipe requires overnight freezing.

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Servings: 3-4 persons

  • 1 can Pamana Chunky Corned Beef
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • 1/2 cup onions, julienned
  • 1/2 cup potatoes, julienned
  • 1 pack Pamana lumpia wrapper
  1. Place corned beef in a bowl.
  2. Add salt, pepper, onions, and potatoes.
  3. Mix together and set aside.
  4. Remove lumpia wrappers from their packaging. Cover with a moistened paper towel. (This keeps them from drying out while wrapping.)
  5. Take one lumpia wrapper and lay it flat on a platter. Place a scoop of the corned beef mixture in the middle of the wrapper. Spread it out horizontally into a row.
  6. Roll the wrapper tightly to form a lumpia.
  7. Dab water along the edge of the wrapper to seal it.
  8. Repeat until you run out of mixture and wrappers.
  9. Freeze your set of lumpia overnight.
  10. The next day, fry it straight from the freezer using a wok.
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